Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Pärnu soe, märg papp

Peab hakkama oma blogisse kohvikuarvustusi kirjutama. Mitte et keegi neid siit loeks. A ehk jääks iseendale meelde, et kohvik Pärnu koka töövahend on ilmselt AD&D "Sustaining Spoon".

(Mäluvärskendus neile, kes tolle imeasja kirjeldus ära unund:
This unremarkable eating utensil is typically fashioned from horn. If the spoon is placed in an empty container the vessel fills with a thick, pasty gruel. Although this substance has a flavor similar to that of warm, wet cardboard, it is highly nourishing and contains everything necessary to sustain any herbivorous, omnivorous, or carnivorous creature.
Faint conjuration; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, create food and water; Price 5,400 gp)

Aga vähemalt on siin töötav wifi.

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