Geeniandmed vs kindlustus
Slashdotis on postitus geeniandmete avalikustmisest. Küsimuse püstitus: kas ka sina oleks nõus avaliku hüve nimel oma genoomi, haiguste ja harjumuste info (oma nime all) avaldama?
Enamik vastuseid: "ei, sest tahan elukindlustust ja su lapsed tahavad ka."
Yes, it can benefit everybody except yourself. At best, your DNA will show you have no predisposition for various diseases, so you can continue to get health care insurance. However, if you show any predisposition to any disease, the likelihood of you being able to get insurance goes down really fast.
And it's not just you. Depending on the predisposition, having this information public can also affect your children's ability to get insurance (as there are plenty of conditions that may be inherited).
Kurb, kurb, kui tervishoiusüsteem hakkab iseendale vastu töötama.